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Gravel Ballast 25/50 mm

Gravel Ballast 25/50 mm

The gravel ballast 25/50 mm is the bed of stones or gravel on which a track rail.

The gravel ballast denotes the mixture of stones and sand on the ground under the railway. The gravel ballast entered use and supplanted silting.

The elements of the gravel ballast generally used: crushed stone, g ranulom�trie ranging between 31.5 and 50 mm. The type of rocks used varies in different regions and countries depending on the climate. There are rocks of the plutonic type: granite, diorite, etc.

The elements of the Gravel Ballast must fit together to form a compact but permeable mass.

The 25/50 mm Ballast Gravel is controlled according to the NA 5113 Standard .

Uses :

The Gravel Ballast 25/50 mm is used in: 

  • Railways

Constraints :

The gravel ballast undergoes two types of wear:

  • Contamination by parasitic materials, for example earth. Weeding is carried out, but it is necessary to replace the Gravel Ballast regularly;

  • Settlement of Gravel Ballast under the cross members; it causes a vertical deformation of the track. It is necessary to reinject the Gravel Ballast of small particle size under the sleepers; or to carry out a maintenance operation using a tamping machine. This kind of operation is carried out approximately every seven years.

We sift the Gravel Ballast every twenty years to replace the broken stones. The Gravel Ballast has a useful life of about forty years before having to be completely replaced.
